Number | Symbols |
def enum Boolean: 'false'|'true'; # 1 bit def value Bit: 0..1; # 1 bit
def value UByte: 0.. 0xFF; # 1 byte def value SByte: -0x80.. 0x7F; # 1 byte def value UHWord: 0.. 0xFFFF; # 2 bytes 1/2 (half) word def value SHWord: -0x8000.. 0x7FFF; # 2 bytes UNWord: ; # 4 bytes 1 (normal) word etc... SNWord: ; # 4 bytes UDWord: ; # 8 bytes 2 (double) words SDWord: ; # 8 bytes UQWord: ; #16 bytes 4 (quad) words SQWord: ; #16 bytes UOWord: ; #32 bytes 8 (octal) words SOWord: ; #32 bytes alias name Integer : SNWord;
def struct IHFloat: ( 'plus'|'min' sign // 0..0xFF shifted_exponent // 0..0x7F_FFFF mantissa ); def struct INFloat ( 'plus'|'min' sign // 0..0xFFF shifted_exponent // 0..0x7_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF mantissa ); def struct ILFloat ( 'plus'|'min' sign // 0..0xFFF shifted_exponent // 0..0x7_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF mantissa );
Do some research on what IEEE-754 really entails
def concrete BigNumber; alias name \u02115: BigNumber; def concrete BigInteger; alias name \u02124: BigInteger; def concrete BigRational; alias name \u0211A: BigRational;
The 'Big' types (actually classes) are 'unlimited' length numbers. The word 'unlimited' is quoted because the number has to fit in available memory. The implementation of the 'Big' types is not defined in the Ocean specification, but either a full binary or BCD is adviced.
alias dyadic <=> compare;
alias dyadic 6 lr + addValue; alias dyadic 6 lr - subtractValue; alias dyadic \u02212 subtractValue; alias dyadic 4 lr * multiplyBy; alias dyadic \u000xx multiplyBy; alias dyadic 4 lr / divideBy; alias dyadic \u000xx divideBy; alias dyadic 4 in \ moduloWith; alias dyadic 2 rl ** raisePowerOf; alias dyadic 2 in \u022xx rootOf; alias unary - negateValue; alias unary \u02212 negateValue; alias unary \u022xx squareRootOf;
alias dyadic 5 /\ binaryAnd; alias dyadic 5 \u02227 binaryAnd; alias dyadic 7 \/ binaryOr; alias dyadic 7 \u02228 binaryOr; alias dyadic 7 % binaryXor; alias dyadic 7 \u022BC binaryXor; ## Check ! alias unary ~ binaryNot; alias unary \u000AC BinaryNot; alias dyadic 5 << binaryShiftLeft; alias dyadic 5 >> binaryShiftRight; alias dyadic 5 \u0226A binaryShiftLeft; alias dyadic 5 \u0226B binaryShiftRight;
alias symbol := assignValue; alias symbol \u02254 assignValue;
variant object clone() Creates and returns a copy of this object. boolean equals(Object obj) Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one. String toString() Returns a string representation of the object. Class getClass() Returns the runtime class of an object. int hashCode() Returns a hash code value for the object. void notify() Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor. void notifyAll() Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor. void wait() Causes current thread to wait until another thread invokes the notify() method or the notifyAll() method for this object. void wait(long timeout) Causes current thread to wait until either another thread invokes the notify() method or the notifyAll() method for this object, or a specified amount of time has elapsed. void wait(long timeout, int nanos) Causes current thread to wait until another thread invokes the notify() method or the notifyAll() method for this object, or some other thread interrupts the current thread, or a certain amount of real time has elapsed.